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Mining in Nullworld

9 months ago

Mining Has been introduced to Nullworld.

How to start mining? 

  • First /Join farm, then talk with Snowbeard NPC.
  • Then Click at His ‘’Pickaxe Repair'' Button. 
  • Then Accept the Quest called: Repair The Mining Pickaxe
Note: This quest can be only done Once.
  • Then /Join Darkcavern, Then Click the Pickaxe Fragments Arround the Cavern.
  • Once you Collect the Seven Fragments arround the cave, Return to Snowbeard then Claim Your Pickaxe, Then Start mining at the deep of /Darkcavern Find the Golden ore room, Then approach it, the Mining button will be available like fishing.
  • Note: To mine, You need the Pickaxe in your inventory and Equipped. or else The Following warning will show up.
  • Rewards for Mining: 2x Level boost fragment and 1 Gold.
    - Mining can be one once Per day.
    - Mining once will grant the Miner Badge for charpage.