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Weekly Nullworld News #4

1 year ago

Null Long Notes #1

+ Added new locations +

- Lolosia

- Dojo

- Ginkotsu

- Shikigami

- Gedo

- Tyndur      [worldboss]

- Lucifer     [worldboss]

- Ayuno       [Worldboss]

- Underfiend

- Wheel

- Game General Updates

+ King Fish now can drop sharkbait equipment set. **/join river**

- Serenity npc removed from **/join battleon**. 

+ Added level boost fragment in **/join wheel** merge shop.

+ Chronomancer class available in heromart shop, can be found at **gamemenu button** or **/join town**.

+ Unarmed weapon added on legendary suggestion shop **/join yulgar**.

+ A New NPC were added in **/join tutorial** with new class for newbies players.

+ Underworld were updated with

   > Increased Player Movement speed.

   > Added an new area The crypt at Underworld, Can be Accessed From Legion Juggernaut room.

   > Replaced Dage monster with Xan monster on ice ground room.

   > Moved Dage monster to The crypt in Underworld.

   > Added Queen Lyra monster in The crypt at Underworld.

+ Void highlord class available in **/join underfiend** merge.

+ Reduced Shilling Golds reward from grizzly situation quest 100 -> 50. 

+ Greatly reduced worldboss spawn time.

+ Added drops in Dragontheus monster, **/join underfiend**.

+ Prisoner sasuke npc quests are available in **/join prison**.

+ Content creator title now has 15% damage increase and 10% experience increase. 

+ Bot energy +500 cost reduced 6000 -> 3000. 

+ Level boost fragment item added as global worldboss drop. required survive mode ON and round MVP player.

+ Added music in **/join underworld**.

+ Fixed **/join tyndur** map visual issues.

+ Added swaggy npc in **/join battleon**.

+ Quests no longers gives SGs rewards [except grizzly situation].

+ New items were added on the **/join wheel**, currently wheel has 261 exclusive items.  

+ Added uchiha package and Transcendent title package on game store.

+ Frostval Locations Are now Rare.

    > Frostvale

    > Mountotzi

    > Yulecat

    > Frostvalfuture

    > Factory

    > Giefury 

    > Snowview 

    > Frostmare 

+ Added wiki market in the game website,

+ **/join Tercessuinotlim** and **/join Shadowworld** is now accessible using /join.

+ Added necrotic fragment in akriloth worldboss.  

+ Added ground V [Rune] in heromart shop, can be found at **gamemenu button** or **/join town**.

+ It was said in our discord server that the ancient creatures were been disturbed, meaning The Futures worldbosses will be 5 or 10x stronger than actual ones.


- Game Miscs

- Added New Chat Roles.

  > Transcendent role.       Must have an Transcendent title to claim claim this role.

  > Legendary Player role.   Must have The actual Max level cap [130] to claim this role.

  > Head Helper role.        Must join our helper team and have a good score in our helper ranking.

- Note that these role might be automatically removed if


 > If Vip is added on your account.

 > If Vip is expired out.

 > If Become a helper, Transcendent or Legendary Player Role will be automatically replaced with Helper role.

- Perks

 > Transcendent role. Can send /iay messages. [/iay message], Can force players in the same room as you to do an emoji with emoteall command. [/emoteall emotename]

 > Head Helper role.  Can send /iay messages. [/iay message], Can Go-to Players if they need help ignores disabled /goto  [/pull name], Can kick players if they are behaving badly [/kick name].

+ These roles can be requestable from tickets.