Steeped in darkness, Legion Revenants derive their power from the essence responsible for the Legion's un-death. The Legion flows through them, and they are the Legion.
Offensive Caster
Steeped in darkness, Revenants derive their power from the essence responsible for the Legion's un-death. The Legion flows through them, and they are the Legion. - Status And Mana Regeneration tips. - Damage MAX: 1000000 - Critical MAX: 2000000 - Strike an enemy in combat - On rank 10, -25 mana cost +10 haste +30 magic power.
- Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits)
- Recommended enhancement: Wizard
A sinister spell of powerful dark energy. Deals moderate damage to one target and light damage to two additional targets. Recovers 15 mana on hit.
Summon a malicious pitch black fog, The darkness traps your enemy, decreasing their Dodge by 25% while damaging them over time for 12 seconds. Always crits.
Always critical hit.
Conjure otherworldly flames to sear your opponents for moderate damage, reducing their Crit Chance by 15%, plus an additional 3% per stack. The flames protect you, decreasing incoming damage by 20%, plus an additional 4% per stack. Both effects last 12 seconds.
Touch the darkness within yourself and your allies by drawing out their twisted inclinations, increasing their Dodge, Crit Chance, Crit Damage and outgoing damage by 30% for 12 seconds. Immorality strengthens your magic, increasing your Haste by 10% and Arcane shield, While Arcane shield is active damage cannot receive healing. Also Steals Enemy MP.
Always critical hit.
Increases wisdom by 20%.
Increases outgoing magic damage by 60%.
Focus all your energy and unleash a massive burst of dark magic, dealing high damage.
Never miss.
Action | Item |
View | Dage Shop |
Action | Item |
View | Legion Token Rare 300000x |
View | Legionnaire Medal Rare 100000x |
View | Queen Heart Epic 2000x |