You received the CHRONO CardClasher Class bonus from your purchase of ChronoLored Package. Anything Goes Battleon Battlecards Card Game. But you probably knew that.
Type Class
Rarity Promotional Item
Enhancement Basic level 1
Level 1
Stack 1x
Quantity 1x
Shop Cost 0 SG
Game Quantity 3x
Temporary No
VIP Only No
Marketable No
Sellable Yes
Rank S
Offensive Caster
- Use Cards Power, CardClashers gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on crits. The amount depends on damage relative to "their own" HP total.
- Status And Mana Regeneration tips.
- Damage MAX: 20M - Critical MAX: 45M
- Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits)
- On rank 10: N/A.
Mana regeneration methods
- Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits)
Stats description
- Recommended enhancement: Wizard
- Can be Paired with a House of cards for +50 Crit Damage.
- Can be Paired with Chrono Lord Rev Polearm for +200% Damage boost.
Double click a monster to start Auto Attacking it. This is a basic attack, taught to all adventurers. Damage dealt is based on your weapon damage.
Increases the critical hit damage of your attack. If you have the "Prepared Strike" aura active and have less than 2 charges, your attack will deal extra damage as a critical hit."
Damage Base 5
Mana Cost 0
Distance Near
Affects Enemy
Type Auto
Cooldown 1 second
Hit Targets 1x
Mana Increase 1%
The Self must have the aura with 1x stacks
Removes the aura Raise the Stakes from Self on use
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 1 second
The Self must have the aura Chrono Lord Weapon with 1x stacks
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 100x
Duration 1 hour
SelfDamage Boost +200
Deals a new card to you and your opponent. Cards make you stronger and your target weaker. Cards have additional effects when Tap is cast.
Never miss.
Damage Base 5
Mana Cost 10
Distance Far
Affects Enemy
Type Magical
Cooldown 1 second
Hit Targets 5x
Health Increase 2%
Mana Increase 3%
An aura that removes all auras from the target except for the current one, if the name of the aura is "Breech", "Weakness", "Imposition", "Fortitude", "Vitality", or "Vigor".
The Self should not have the aura Vigor
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 9 seconds
Chance 100%
SelfDamage Boost +10
An aura that removes all auras from the target except for the current one, if the name of the aura is "Breech", "Weakness", "Imposition", "Fortitude", "Vitality", or "Vigor".
The Self should not have the aura Fortitude
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 9 seconds
Chance 100%
SelfDamage Resistance +50
SelfEvasion +50
An aura that removes all auras from the target except for the current one, if the name of the aura is "Breech", "Weakness", "Imposition", "Fortitude", "Vitality", or "Vigor".
The Enemy should not have the aura Breech
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 9 seconds
Chance 100%
An aura that removes all auras from the target except for the current one, if the name of the aura is "Breech", "Weakness", "Imposition", "Fortitude", "Vitality", or "Vigor".
The Enemy should not have the aura Weakness
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 2 seconds
Chance 100%
EnemyDamage Resistance +30
An aura that removes all auras from the target except for the current one, if the name of the aura is "Breech", "Weakness", "Imposition", "Fortitude", "Vitality", or "Vigor".
The Enemy should not have the aura Imposition
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 9 seconds
Chance 100%
The Self should not have the aura Vitality
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 9 seconds
Chance 100%
The Allies should not have the aura Eternal Defense
Affects Allies
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 9 seconds
Chance 100%
The Self should not have the aura Purity
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 9 seconds
Chance 100%
The Enemy should not have the aura Darkness
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 14 seconds
Chance 100%
The Self should not have the aura Necro
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 24 seconds
Chance 100%
The Self should not have the aura Ternity
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 24 seconds
Chance 100%
The Enemy should not have the aura Ordinance
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 14 seconds
Chance 100%
The Self must have the aura Chrono Lord Weapon with 1x stacks
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 100x
Duration 1 hour
SelfDamage Boost +200
Tap the cards on you and your target, removing the cards and applying powerful effects. Power is increased by the Raise the Stakes stack which are consumed.
Never miss.
Damage Base 10
Mana Cost 30
Distance Near
Affects Enemy
Type Magical
Cooldown 1 second
Hit Targets 5x
Health Increase 4%
Mana Increase 5%
The Enemy must have the aura Weakness
Removes the aura Weakness from Enemy on use
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 13 seconds
EnemyEvasion -50
EnemyDamage Resistance -25
An aura that regenerates randomly over time between 500 and 1000.
The Self must have the aura Vitality
Removes the aura Vitality from Self on use
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 13 seconds
SelfHealth Boost +50000
The Self must have the aura Vigor
Removes the aura Vigor from Self on use
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 13 seconds
SelfMagic Boost +50
SelfCritical +20
SelfHaste +50
SelfHeal Over Time Boost x1.7
An aura that paralyzes.
The Allies must have the aura Eternal Defense
Removes the aura Eternal Defense from Allies on use
Affects Allies
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 13 seconds
AlliesCritical Multiplier x2
An aura that regenerates randomly over time between 500 and 1000.
The Self must have the aura Purity
Removes the aura Purity from Self on use
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 13 seconds
SelfHit +50
The Enemy must have the aura Darkness
Removes the aura Darkness from Enemy on use
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 14 seconds
EnemyDamage Resistance -50
The Self must have the aura Necro
Removes the aura Necro from Self on use
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 24 seconds
SelfCritical Multiplier +50
SelfCritical +20
The Self must have the aura Ternity
Removes the aura Ternity from Self on use
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 24 seconds
SelfDamage Resistance +50
The Enemy must have the aura Ordinance
Removes the aura Ordinance from Enemy on use
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 19 seconds
EnemyHaste -50
EnemyCritical -20
The Self must have the aura Chrono Lord Weapon with 1x stacks
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 100x
Duration 1 hour
SelfDamage Boost +200
The Enemy must have the aura Breech
Removes the aura Breech from Enemy on use
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 13 seconds
EnemyDamage Boost -10
EnemyHaste -60
EnemyCritical -50
An aura that prevents healing.
The Enemy must have the aura Imposition
Removes the aura Imposition from Enemy on use
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 13 seconds
The Self must have the aura Fortitude
Removes the aura Fortitude from Self on use
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 13 seconds
SelfDamage Resistance +45
SelfHit +100
Each of the cast of this spells makes the effect of tap and clash more powerful, Also no longer hurts you and leaves you less vulnerable. stack Up to 20 times. Also if you have House of Cards Equipped, Increases Crit Damage by 50%.
Damage Base 2
Mana Cost 30
Distance Near
Affects Enemy
Type Magical
Cooldown 1 second
Hit Targets 1x
Health Increase 4%
Mana Increase 1%
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 20x
Duration 9 seconds
SelfMagic Boost +70
SelfPhysical Resistance +3
The Self must have the aura
Removes the aura Raise the Stakes from Self on use
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 20x
Minimum duration 1 second
Maximum duration 9 seconds
SelfMagic Boost +70
SelfPhysical Resistance +3
The Self must have the aura House of Cards
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 100x
Duration 19 seconds
SelfCritical Multiplier +50
Luck increased by 15%
SelfLuck +15
Crit, Dodge and Hit chances are increased.
SelfCritical +10
SelfEvasion +7
SelfHit +3
SelfHaste +40
Deals damage to your target based on raise the stakes stack, but does not consume them.