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Dual Grimlord Blade of Nulgath

Ultra Rare
Dual Grimlord Blade of Nulgath

(Color Custom) The Blade of Grimlords bear the signs of Nulgath the Archfiend. The sword is alive and only obeys the Grimlords. Any stranger trying to wield such a weapon would be lucky to walk away with only one hand bitten off.

  • Icon iwdagger
  • Type (Weapon) Dagger
  • Rarity Ultra Rare
  • Enhancement Basic level 1
  • Requirement
  • Level 1
  • Stack 1x
  • Quantity 1x
  • Shop Cost 0 SG
  • Game Quantity 0x
  • Temporary No
  • VIP Only No
  • Marketable Yes
  • Sellable Yes

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