by Ilusion, In the days of darkness in the sky, a mysterious being with the powers to control that darkness appeared, and thus the first controller of Dark Heaven was born.
Type Class
Rarity Rare
Enhancement Basic level 1
Level 1
Stack 1x
Quantity 1x
Shop Cost 0 SG
Game Quantity +100x
Temporary No
VIP Only No
Marketable Yes
Sellable Yes
Rank B
Tank Melee
In the days of darkness in the sky, a mysterious being with the powers to control that darkness appeared, and thus the first controller of Dark Heaven was born.
Mana regeneration methods
- Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits)
Stats description
- Recommended enhancement: Fighter
An arrow straight from Dark Heaven
Damage Base 7
Mana Cost 0
Distance Far
Affects Enemy
Type Auto
Cooldown 1 second
Hit Targets 2x
Health Increase 3%
Mana Increase 3%
Flapping wings in Dark Heaven that deals damage and increases crit in 8% stackable up to 4x for 14 seconds
Damage Base 13
Mana Cost 15
Distance Far
Affects Enemy
Type Physical
Cooldown 4 seconds
Hit Targets 2x
Health Increase 30%
Mana Increase 2%
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 4x
Minimum duration 11 seconds
Maximum duration 14 seconds
SelfCritical +8
The Dark Heaven burning at dawn and dealing damage to your enemies increasing your hit chance by 40% stackable up to 3x for 10 seconds
Damage Base 15
Mana Cost 20
Distance Far
Affects Enemy
Type Physical
Cooldown 4 seconds
Hit Targets 2x
Health Increase 5%
Mana Increase 2%
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 3x
Minimum duration 9 seconds
Maximum duration 10 seconds
SelfHit +40
Some lightning flashes in Dark Heaven causing extravagant bangs. Deals damage over time to the enemy, and decrease enemy damage over time resistance by 40%
Damage Base 15
Mana Cost 15
Distance Far
Affects Enemy
Type Physical
Cooldown 7 seconds
Hit Targets 3x
Health Increase 15%
Mana Increase 15%
An aura that causes damage over time.
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 3x
Minimum duration 9 seconds
Maximum duration 10 seconds
EnemyDamage Over Time Resistance -40
Increases evasion chance by 10%
SelfEvasion +10
Reduces mana cost by 15%
SelfMana Consumption -15
Explosions occur in Dark Heaven dealing damage to enemies and increasing their haste by 10% Stackable up to 3x per 20 segundos.