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Revontheus Legacy

Promotional Item
Revontheus Legacy male
Revontheus Legacy female

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  • Icon PhysicalRankSless
  • Type Class
  • Rarity Promotional Item
  • Enhancement Basic level 1
  • Requirement
  • Level 1
  • Stack 1x
  • Quantity 1x
  • Shop Cost 0 SG
  • Game Quantity 24x
  • Temporary No
  • VIP Only No
  • Marketable No
  • Sellable Yes

Power Melee


- Status And Mana Regeneration tips. - Recommended Enhancement: Fighter. - Damage MAX: 2000000 - Critical MAX: 3000000 - Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits) - On rank 10: Increases Critical Strike Chance by 20%

Mana regeneration methods


Stats description


Summons long range Crystal Weapons infused with Void Energy dealing Moderate Damage enhanced by your Spell Power. Can hit up to three targets. Each weapon exposes their deepest sins dealing a Minor DoT for 3 seconds. Stacks to 6.

Never miss.

  • Damage Base 8
  • Mana Cost 0
  • Distance Far
  • Affects Enemy
  • Type Auto
  • Cooldown 1 second
  • Hit Targets 3x
An aura that causes damage over time.
  • Affects Enemy
  • Maximum Stack 6x
  • Duration 3 seconds
  • Effects:
    • Self Damage Over Time Resistance -1

Spreads it's wings and takes flight. Applies Vantage Point, increasing Hit Chance and Dodge by 15% for 6 seconds. Also allows you to focus all your fire, empowering your weapons increasing your overall DoT Damage by 75%. Your focused targeting reduces the amount of void energy you need to expend, applying Mana Refraction which reduces mana costs by 50% for 8 seconds.

  • Damage Base -7
  • Mana Cost 15
  • Distance Near
  • Affects Self
  • Type Physical
  • Cooldown 7 seconds
  • Hit Targets 1x
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 100x
  • Duration 7 seconds
  • Effects:
    • Self Mana Consumption -50
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 100x
  • Duration 5 seconds
  • Effects:
    • Self Hit +15
    • Self Evasion +15
    • Enemy Damage Over Time Resistance -1
    • Self Haste +15

If Vantage Point is in play, you send shadow imgages striking up to 4 targets for Moderately Strong Damage. Applies Aghast, stunning the opponents for 3 seconds. If Vantage Point is not in play, applies Catalyst, siphoning their Haste, lowering it by 20% while maxing out your Haste for 8 seconds.

  • Damage Base 15
  • Mana Cost 30
  • Distance Far
  • Affects Enemy
  • Type Physical
  • Cooldown 4 seconds
  • Hit Targets 4x
    The Self should not have the aura Vantage Point
  • Affects Enemy
  • Maximum Stack 100x
  • Duration 7 seconds
  • Effects:
    • Enemy Haste -20
    • Self Haste +100
An aura that stuns.
    The Self must have the aura Vantage Point
  • Affects Enemy
  • Maximum Stack 100x
  • Duration 2 seconds

Suppresses your inner Void Energy to temporarily put you in a stasis granting you a High HoT and quadrupling your Physical Damage for 10 seconds.

  • Damage Base -12
  • Mana Cost 15
  • Distance Near
  • Affects Self
  • Type Physical
  • Cooldown 7 seconds
  • Hit Targets 1x
An aura that heals over time.
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 100x
  • Duration 9 seconds
  • Effects:
    • Self Physical Boost +400

Increase DoT Damage by 12%

    • Enemy Damage Over Time Boost x1.12

Increases Haste and Dodge by 18%

    • Self Evasion +18
    • Self Haste +18

Spawns Crystals from thin air to increase 25% Damage Resistance for 8 seconds. Also applies Clean Cut, increasing your Crit Chance by 15% for 6 seconds.

  • Damage Base 25
  • Mana Cost 30
  • Distance Far
  • Affects Enemy
  • Type Physical
  • Cooldown 9 seconds
  • Hit Targets 3x
    The Self should not have the aura Vantage Point
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 100x
  • Duration 8 seconds
  • Effects:
    • Self Damage Resistance +25
    The Self should not have the aura Vantage Point
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 100x
  • Duration 6 seconds
  • Effects:
    • Self Critical +15

Increases Critical Strike Chance by 20%

    • Self Critical +20

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