The cult that will no fear the death of the underworld. The Ally of fiends and the slayer of fools who trespassing the border of our lord. NOT Claimable by IODAS
Power Caster
- One of the best classes for PVP since Twilight Thoughts negates both crit and dodge, Dark Occulist therefore are good against Enemies without magic resistance, but weak against their own anti-crit-and-dodge skill because they also need crits. - Rank 10 passive will increase your CRITICAL and HIT CHANCE for 25%
- Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits)
- Recommended enhancement: Wizard
Double click a monster to start Auto Attacking it. This is a basic attack, taught to all adventurers in Nullworld. Damage dealt is based on your weapon damage.
Deals moderate damage to up to three targets, and applies Dark Damage that will DoT the target for 40%. Damage increased by Twilight Thoughts.
Never miss.
Deals moderate damage to up to three targets and Increasing your Attack incoming damage for 50% and decreasing your Outgoing magic damage for 20%. If Dark Damage is active, the amount of damage dealt is doubled.
Deals heavy damage to the target and increasing your Magic incoming damage for 50% and also has 25% a chance applying Siege Birth that will stun the enemy and decreasing their evasion and Hit chance for 30%. Damage increased by Twilights Thoughts. It will always hit a critical.
Haste increased by 30%
Crit chance and Multiplier increased by 20%
Deals light damage to target and applies Twilight Thoughts, negating all target Evasion and applies Soul Mirror that will increases your Critical Strike chance, Hit Chance,Evasion, and Haste for 30% that will last for 12 seconds (Max stacks is 1). Guaranteed hit never miss.
Never miss.
Dark Manipulator is a cruel passive of all. It will increase the Critical and Hit chance for 75%
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