Merry Christmas
Tank Melee
- Status And Mana Regeneration tips. - Damage MAX: 500000 - Critical MAX: 500000
- Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits)
- Recommended enhancement: Fighter
This is a basic attack, taught to all adventurers. The damage dealt is based on your weapon damage. 15% mana regeneration
Never miss.
You hit the target with the snowball causing it to stun for 2 seconds
Guardian's Spear deals moderate damage
Never miss.
Chocolate bar with energy reading increases your damage by 50% lasts 5 seconds Sugarcane lollipop increases your hit by 45% lasts 10 seconds Caffeine Chocolate increases your adrenaline gain speed increases by 20% lasts 7 seconds random buffer 30% healing
Never miss.
10% critical 15% evasion
5% haste 10% hit
Let's see, guardian, what is the size of your strength, throw an iceberg at your enemy's head and see the inpactor icebarg 50% - 100% - 200% each iceberg will randomly determine your strength
Always critical hit.
Action | Item |
View | Santa |