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Sinner male
Sinner female


  • Icon PhysicalRankA
  • Type Class
  • Rarity Legendary
  • Enhancement Basic level 1
  • Requirement
  • Level 1
  • Stack 1x
  • Quantity 1x
  • Shop Cost 0 SG
  • Game Quantity 16x
  • Temporary No
  • VIP Only No
  • Marketable Yes
  • Sellable No

Offensive Caster



Mana regeneration methods


Stats description


Applies overture to self which stack up to 10 time, overture increasing your damage dealt and damage taken by 25%.

  • Damage Base 5
  • Mana Cost 0
  • Distance Near
  • Affects Enemy
  • Type Auto
  • Cooldown 1 second
  • Hit Targets 1x
  • Mana Increase 1%
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 10x
  • Duration 16 minutes
  • Effects:
    • Self Damage Resistance -25
    • Self Damage Boost +25

Summon debris 2 to slash all target in small range. Removes stack of overture if it reach 5 or more stack and recover 15% of your max HP applies regeneration to self.

  • Damage Base 10
  • Mana Cost 0
  • Distance Near
  • Affects Enemy
  • Type Physical
  • Cooldown 2 seconds
  • Hit Targets 12x
  • Health Increase 25%
  • Mana Increase 1%
An aura that regenerates randomly over time between 500 and 1000.
    Removes the aura Overture from Self on use with 5x stacks
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 1x
  • Duration 7 seconds

Summon debris 2 to annahilate all target in small range. Increasing damage they take by 15% and applies stack of overture.

  • Damage Base 12
  • Mana Cost 30
  • Distance Near
  • Affects Enemy
  • Type Physical
  • Cooldown 2 seconds
  • Hit Targets 12x
  • Health Increase 1%
  • Mana Increase 1%
  • Affects Enemy
  • Maximum Stack 1x
  • Duration 7 seconds
  • Effects:
    • Enemy Damage Resistance -15
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 10x
  • Duration 16 minutes
  • Effects:
    • Self Damage Resistance -25
    • Self Damage Boost +25

Recover 25% of max hp, applies insanity to self for 5 sec, insanity increasing your haste by 30% and making all your attack able to crit.

  • Damage Base 5
  • Mana Cost 0
  • Distance Far
  • Affects Enemy
  • Type Physical
  • Cooldown 14 seconds
  • Hit Targets 9x
  • Health Increase 1%
  • Mana Increase 1%
    The Self should not have the aura Demonic Insanity
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 1x
  • Duration 4 seconds
  • Effects:
    • Self Haste +30
    • Self Critical +200

Reduces own damage taken by 95% and reduces own dodge chance by 100%.

    • Self Damage Resistance +95
    • Self Critical -100
    • Self Evasion -200
    • Self Damage Boost +75
    • Self Hit +200

Increasing your damage dealt and accuracy by 70% but decreasing your chance to crit by 100%.

Summon gate to hell to devour your opponent, If insanity active extend it by 10 sec. If you have 10 stack of overture, increasing this skill damage by 200%.

  • Damage Base 35
  • Mana Cost 0
  • Distance Far
  • Affects Enemy
  • Type Physical
  • Cooldown 49 seconds
  • Hit Targets 1x
  • Health Increase 1%
  • Mana Increase 3%
    The Self must have the aura Insanity
    Removes the aura Insanity from Self on use
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 1x
  • Duration 9 seconds
  • Effects:
    • Self Critical +200
    • Self Haste +50
    The Self must have the aura Overture with 10x stacks
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 1x
  • Duration 1 second
  • Effects:
    • Self Damage Boost +200

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