August Chest Event - Once worn by temple priests in the northern Sandsea, frequent mishaps by mischievous spirits forced them to abandon their sacred values to tame them. They have been slaying spirits since, but their gilded attire is all that remain of who they once were.
Dodge Melee
- Status And Mana Regeneration tips. - Damage MAX: 8100000 - Critical MAX: 15100000 - Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits) - On rank 10 +40% Monster Spell Damage Reduction.
- Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits)
- Recommended enhancement: Fighter
Swing your weapon through space and time, striking your opponent from any distance. Has a 25% chance to apply Rejuvenation, which heals you slightly over 6 seconds.
Rip the dimensional fabric and attempt to partially invert your opponents, twisting their reality and reducing their outgoing damage for 15 seconds. Reduces opponents damage by 30%
Cast ancient bandages at your enemies, causing them to rapidly age. Increases the damage your opponent takes by 25%, reduces chance to hit by 25% and applies a DoT for 8 seconds.
Smash the ground and create a 4th dimensional shockwave, trapping your opponent in the ebb and flow of time. Applies Warped, reducing up to 6 opponents' haste by 30% for 15 seconds.
Never miss.
Increases haste by 25%
Increases STR and END by 30%
Summon twisted copies of yourself throughout time to attack multiple enemies for huge damage. and has a 25% chance to apply Shock of Consciousness stunning enemies for 4 seconds.
Always critical hit.
Reduce incoming spell damage by 40%
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