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Abyss Naval Commander

Promotional Item
Abyss Naval Commander male
Abyss Naval Commander female

Harness the powers of the abyss. Opponents will fear you just by being who you are. A class that is suited for multiple types of situations.

  • Icon armorboostNW
  • Type Armor
  • Rarity Promotional Item
  • Enhancement Basic level 1
  • Requirement
  • Level 1
  • Stack 1x
  • Quantity 1x
  • Shop Cost 0 SG
  • Game Quantity 9x
  • Temporary No
  • VIP Only No
  • Marketable Yes
  • Sellable Yes


  • Class points +0%
  • Coins +0%
  • Damage increase +20%
  • Damage reduction +15%
  • Experience +0%
  • Reputation +0%

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