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Ultra Leanan Sidhe

Power Caster
Ultra Leanan Sidhe
  • Level 1320
  • Health 12,252,580,030
  • Mana 100
  • Respawn time 4 seconds
  • Information
  • Energy cost 1
  • Race Human
  • Element Dark
  • Immune to Lure No
  • World Boss No
  • Kill total 409x
  • Death total 20x
  • Reward
  • Experience 4,000,000
  • Shilling Golds 1 SG
  • Class points 5,000

- Deals 100% True Damage

  • Damage Base 1
  • Mana Cost 0
  • Distance Far
  • Affects Enemy
  • Type Physical
  • Cooldown 2 seconds
  • Hit Targets 1x
  • Mana Increase 1%
    The Self must have the aura True Nature
  • Affects Enemy
  • Maximum Stack 10x
  • Duration 9 seconds
  • Effects:
    • Enemy Wisdom -50
    • Enemy Intelligence -50
    • Enemy Endurance -50
    • Enemy Dexterity -50
    • Enemy Strength -50
    • Enemy Luck -50
    Removes the aura Leanan's Embrace from Enemy on use
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 1x
  • Required Health at 50%
  • Duration 1 hour
  • Effects:
    • Self Damage Boost +50
Activate/Disable berserker mode when reaching a certain percentage of health.
    Removes the aura Leanan's Embrace from Self on use
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 1x
  • Duration 1 hour
  • Effects:
    • Self Critical +100
    • Self Haste +100
    • Self Hit +100
    • Self Evasion +40
    • Self Damage Boost +50
    • Self Endurance +1000


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