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  • Level 28
  • Health 25,000
  • Mana 500
  • Respawn time 1 seconds
  • Total kills 0x

Location & Dialog

Sandsea Area3/join Sandsea

1. Welcome to The Sandsea, hero. The Sandsea Oasis Village was once the only thing you could see for miles other than the Sek Duat Dynasty pyramids but a massive sand storm revealed much more. The village sits on a forgotten city that was swallowed up by the sands.

2. I am Zhoom, master tracker and ranger. If you hire me to find someone or something for you… I will find it, no matter how long it takes or what I must do. In the past I would take on any job but a friend showed me that I must choose my battles more carefully or else innocents may get hurt.

3. I owe the people of the Sandsea Oasis Village much. My mother was the last true sand elf, and after Sek Duat hunted my people to near extinction, the people of this village protected my mother and me. I learned everything I know of tracking from running from Sek Duat's guards when I was a young half-sand elf on the streets.

4. Now I spend my time going between here and Akiba…. Maybe you've seen me in Akiba Inn? My services are still for hire but I try to spend my time helping the people of the Sandsea. Since the evil Sek Duat XV vanished, life has been happier here, but the great sandstorm uncovered ancient dangers and I must take up my bow again.

Sandport Enter/join Sandport

1. It seems that this city once had a port. It must have been located on a river. Now the oasis is the only water for miles. I've tracked a hedge-mage named Zahart to this area. I don't know what he's doing here but he's rotten to his core and I have a feeling that he knows what was behind this strange sandstorm. We must find him and question him.