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Underworld Ferryman
Defensive Caster

NPC: Coolest invisible helm icon NPC: Coolest invisible helm Common
CharonNPC icon CharonNPC Common
  • Level 215
  • Health 25,000
  • Mana 500
  • Respawn time 4 seconds
  • Total kills 0x

Location & Dialog

Styx Enter/join Styx

1. Wailsss and ssscreams of your heroic deedsss echo down thessse chambersss. Are you sssearching for the Frozen Flame's Sssoul? I am Charon, and I can offer you passssage down the River Acheron, passt the Great Marsssh, and to the Ssstyx Riverbank.

2. Bessside usss isss the River Archeon, infesssted with Wrathful and Sssullen Sssouls. The only way to traverssse thessse watersss is on my boat. If you decide to leave my boat for any reassson, death will gladly accompany you.

3. Acheron eventually flowsss into the Great Marsssh of Ssstyx. The Sssouls in thessse marssshy watersss are being punissshed for an eternity. Unlessss you wisssh to be drowned forever, do not enter the Great Marsssh.

4. If you sssurvive long enough, we will reach the other ssside of the Great Marsssh at the Ssstyx riverbank. There you ssshall continue your journey towardsss Dage's Palaceā€¦ and hopefully discover the whereaboutsss of the Frozen Flame's Sssoul.