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Nullworld Logo
  • Level 400
  • Health 25,000
  • Mana 500
  • Attack Speed 2 seconds
  • Respawn time 1 seconds
  • Total kills 0x

Location & Dialog

Chaosrealm Enter/join Chaosrealm

1. I am Daemon, a warrior from the null realm. I've been trapped in this chaotic abyss for what feels like an eternity. The barriers between realms collapsed, and I got pulled into this place.

Chaoshub Enter/join Chaoshub

1. You there, adventurers! Do you dare challenge my chaos monsters and their newfound obedience? Or will you offer your allegiance to the power of chaos?

Eventhub r2/join Eventhub

1. You there, adventurers! Do you dare challenge my chaos monsters and their new found obedience? Or will you offer your allegiance to the power of chaos?