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  • Level 30
  • Health 25,000
  • Mana 500
  • Respawn time 1 seconds
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Location & Dialog

battleon m1/join battleon

1. Hello, hello there! Welcome to my Marketplace. The name's Dano, and I travel all over Lore, holding up merch and selling it to heroes like you who appreciate fine craftsmanship. My Marketplace of stock changes every day, so check back often!

Astrancia Enter/join Astrancia

1. Hello! I am Adventurer Dano, specialist in Chaos areas research. I'm so excited to be working here under the supervision of Drakath himself! I'll be compiling a history of the Chaos War for the Faroff Librarium. Help me gather notes on the creatures that played a role in that legendary battle, and I will gladly reward you for your time.

2. Unfortunately, there hasn't been much study done on the creatures of Chaos in this plane of existence. The Chaos War made people too afraid of it, even Adventurers. It's important work we're doing here, Hero. After all, who will do this if not us?

3. Chaos did not come to lore from out of nowhere! It was birthed deep in the Plane of Monsters, as Drakath well knows. If we study the beings that emerged during the fight against the Queen of Monsters, we may gain further insight into its nature.