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  • Level 1
  • Health 25,000
  • Mana 500
  • Respawn time 1 seconds
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Location & Dialog

town r15/join town

1. Guilds are one of the best perks of being an Upgraded Legend. As a Legend, you can create your own Guild, invite your friends to join your Guild, and dominate the battlefield with your Guildmates!

2. Guild Commands help. /gc name, is used to create a guild. /gi name, is used to invite players to a guild. /gr name is used to remove players from a guild. /gp name is promote players to the next highest level within the guild. /gd name is used to demote players to the next lowest level within the guild. /g triggers guild chat. /say turns guild chat off.

3. /guild will bring up the list of guild members and what server they're on (coming soon!). /motd alone is the guild message of the day. /motd some message, sets a new one if you have enough rank to use that command. /rg name allows the guild owner to rename the guild. **Renaming does cost 1,000 SGs.

battleon Enter/join battleon

1. Guilds are one of the best perks of being an Upgraded Legend. As a Legend, you can create your own Guild, invite your friends to join your Guild, and dominate the battlefield with your Guildmates!

2. Guild Commands help. /gc name, is used to create a guild. /gi name, is used to invite players to a guild. /gr name is used to remove players from a guild. /gp name is promote players to the next highest level within the guild. /gd name is used to demote players to the next lowest level within the guild. /g triggers guild chat. /say turns guild chat off.

3. /guild will bring up the list of guild members and what server they're on (coming soon!). /motd alone is the guild message of the day. /motd some message, sets a new one if you have enough rank to use that command. /rg name allows the guild owner to rename the guild. **Renaming does cost 1,000 SGs.