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Quest ID: 416

The legends of the moon differ between Yokai and my ancestral homeland, but they all involve a rabbit. No matter where you go, bunnies and the moon just click. Though my day job is designing clothes, I have some skills in medicine making just like the moon's companion. I have most of the ingredients, but I'm missing fish oil. I heard you can get ahold of some special fish from /natatorium.

Like the Moon Rabbit from our ancestral legends, I'm quite good with a mortar and pestle - but that's for dry medicine. I wanted to try my hand at fish oil. It's greasy, but it's good for your skin and hair. Ai no Miko came up with this idea and I'm glad. My family's since abandoned medicine-making for fear of our magic leading us to creating an immortality elixir. So most of what I know is bare bones compared to my ancestors.
  • Experience 0
  • Coins 0 SG
  • Class points 0
  • Class points 0
  • Requirement
  • Required Level 1
  • Energy cost 10
  • VIP Only No
  • Once No
  • Party of 4 is required No


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No Location/Rare/Not Found
Action NPC
Yue Huang
Yue Huang



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