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Moon's Reflection

Quest ID: 418
Moon's Reflection

Right, I didn't explain what the ‘like flowers in a mirror, and the moon reflected on the lake's surface' proverb meant yet. Both the flowers and the moon are beautiful, but you can never touch them. They're not real, just mirages. If your dreams are like those things…Well, huge mood shift. How about going to /icedimension and collecting water from the elementals? I have another magic trick to show you and Ai no Miko.

Empress Ai no Miko is a special person to my cousins and I. We can see that hearing about our lost home makes her sad. That's when she brought the proverb up. So, take a look at the water in my cupped hands. With the elemental magic and mine, I can make the Moon appear in my palm. It's just as real and beautiful to me as the one in the sky. I am wistful over Wuji, but Yokai is the home I made here.
  • Experience 0
  • Coins 0 SG
  • Class points 0
  • Class points 0
  • Requirement
  • Required Level 1
  • Energy cost 10
  • VIP Only No
  • Once No
  • Party of 4 is required No


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Yue Huang
Yue Huang



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